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운영 시간

Spend a day playing and learning while gaining happiness and lots of laughters!​

Outlets Location ​
1) Atria Shopping Gallery 2) Bangsar Shopping Centre ​

Please note: Children and adults required to wear socks inside the Jungle Gym at all times. Adults aged 17+ must pay RM 10 at the ticketing counter.​

영업 시간



Spend a day playing and learning while gaining happiness and lots of laughters!​

Outlets Location ​
1) Atria Shopping Gallery 2) Bangsar Shopping Centre ​

Please note: Children and adults required to wear socks inside the Jungle Gym at all times. Adults aged 17+ must pay RM 10 at the ticketing counter.​

운영 시간

영업 시간

Klik disini untuk ticket domestik

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